Price with confidence.
Close with confidence.

Price Theory enables B2B sales teams to quickly and easily build unique, value-optimized quotes for each prospect.

Build competitive quotes powered by our value-based pricing engine

  • Our configuration tool provides guidance on the optimal price range for each unique quote, considering the prospect's potential value and willingness to pay.

  • Price Theory suggests product feature combinations that align with each prospect's unique needs and priorities, ensuring maximum value delivery.

  • Sales representatives have the freedom to implement flexible and creative discounts, and to negotiate effectively while maintaining profitability.

Each of your customers derives unique value from your product — it’s time your pricing strategy reflects it.

Value-based pricing means identifying the dollar amount that your product is worth to each prospect and pricing accordingly.

Price Theory’s value-based economic model gives you the confidence to price features quickly and strategically for each unique customer, so that your price is right every time you pitch.

Is value-based pricing right for your business?

You could be leaving value on the table with rules-based and static pricing. Download our guide to see if adopting value-based pricing is a good fit.

Tired of second-guessing your price?